Table of Contents Abstract 1. Introduction: Pictures Spun from the Raw Data Stream The Technological Footnote in the Development of the Web Painting by Typing Numbers 2. Steam Punk Internet: What Is Telidon? Canadas Own Proto-Web Trials and Tribulations Graphics Innovations of Telidon Interactive Art in the Comfort of Your Home 3. Authority Report: The History of Telidon 1978-1985 The Birth of Telidon The Development of Telidon Meet the Simple Competition: Teletext Meet the Complex Competition: Videotex Telidon Strikes Exhibitions During the Active Years of Telidon The Twilight Years of the Telidon Trial 4. Color of Space: The NAPLPS Graphics Protocol Where Is NAPLPS Today? 5. Hashtag Recall: The Telidon Art Collection Telidon Art on Instagram The Artists of the Inter/Access Telidon Collection Full Circle: Digital to Analog to Digital 6. Electric Conservation: NAPLPS Graphics on Modern Hardware Original Hardware The State of Conservation The Four Challenges of Conservation Original Data Stored on Disks Translating the Data Files Video Recordings and Photos of a Telidon Display Transformation into Analog Art: Prints of Telidon Pieces 7. Conclusion: Let's Hope the Future Is Here To Stay Appendix The Collection Sources