Marin Balabanov

Concept. Implementation. Documentation.

Hello there, I am a web developer. My specializations are JavaScript, Typescript and PHP development on the frontend and backend. I have experience with the following frameworks and libraries:

  • NodeJS and Express
  • HTML5 Animations
  • Nest JS and Prisma
  • PHP Laravel and Symfony
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap and Material UI

In 2007, I completed my bachelor's degree in Communication Science at the University of Vienna, in 2009 I successfully graduated as Master of Science in Interactive Media at the Danube University Krems, and in 2021 I completed my Master of Arts in Media Art Histories at the Danube University Krems. I learned tha basics of coding in programming bootcamps at Code Factory Vienna and Boolean UK, as well as courses at WIFI Wien, BFI Wien and Smart Ninja. And have since then honed my skills as a web developer on projects in sports data processing, real-time chat communications, and identity management.

In my spare time, I read a lot and draw illustrations for fun. I am a big science fiction and comic book fan, closely following everything related to Doctor Who, Star Wars and the Marvel universe.

I am a big fan of retro computer hardware and have a collection of a dozen PalmOS devices, original Macintosh computers from the 80s and 90s as well as obscure portables like the Epson HX-20, Cambridge Z88, and the Tandy TRS-80 Model 102.

In the past few years, I have become massive follower and participant in the demoscene, a community of programmers, artists and musicians who create audiovisual demos on modern and retro hardware (as well as fantasy consoles that do not exist as hardware).

Despite my funky-sounding name, I am an Austrian national living and working in Thessaloniki, Greece.

It is probably a good idea to state here that nothing on this website is related to my work activities, to organizations that I might be associated with, and that I am doing this of my own accord.

At a Glance

Click on a card to find out more.

Source of Vector Images: Vectorjuice /

Some Details About This Website

Here are some details about this website in no particular order:

  • Everything on this website is handcrafted.
  • This website is served by United Domains in Bavaria using Apache.
  • This website is designed using Bootstrap 5, completely vanilla without any design modifications so that I can update it to future versions of Bootstap. The only custom CSS used here makes Youtube videos occupy the full available column width.
  • I generated the recent dozen of pages using my own little static site generator written in JavaScript/Node.js that takes my Markdown text and inserts it together with the appropriate images into one of two page template of my own making. If needed, it generates the table of content for quicklinks on the right side of the screen. I have not made this program available yet because I want to clean it up. Frankly, I'm not happy with the code quality and readability to release it as it is. (And I'm thinking of rewriting it cleanly in Python, more to learn to use the language better for my day job than a specific preference for it.)
  • All pages on this website are validated using HTML Tidy.
  • The pages on this website mostly validate but not always fully according to the W3 Nu HTML Checker. It warns about trailing slashes on void elements (e.g. W3 Nu does not like <br /> but prefers <br>) and the type declaration in JavaScript tags. I have decided not to change this.
  • This website has no dynamic page elements except for the Youtube videos. Everything you see is loaded in one go.
  • The animated sections of this website (e.g. the banner at the top of the home page and the end section on the about page) are responsive. I animated them with Tumult Hype 4, a wonderful tool to create interactive web content and animations.
  • The site-wide search on this website is fully client-side and only loads the search index when the search is triggered for the lowest possible overhead.
  • This website does not load any analytics scripts.
  • This website does not use cookies.