NHL Proof-of-Concept
This unsolicited proof-of-concept for
NHL Edge uses ChartJS, Bootstrap and JQuery. It
was developed in a one day hackathon session.
It features a
selectable video hero element and a player stats library with a
simple filter function by player name.
Top View
Users are presented with a gallery in the header with rotating video thumbnails. They can select different videos from the list on the right.
Originally, the POC was implemented using VueJS. Here is the original version as a proof-of-concept and in its GitHub repository.
Lower View
The heart of this POC is the tabbed interface with different player stats. On the left-hand side, users can select players and see their stats and photos change. A text filter function makes it easier to find the right player.
On the right-hand side, placeholder charts using ChartJS are displayed. They can opened in a modal.