February 2025
Why I Dislike PowerPoint
(At Least How It's Used In Some Large Companies)
PowerPoint is everywhere in corporate life. Meetings begin with it, discussions revolve around it, and after everything is said and done, the slide deck is all that remains. But this is the problem: PowerPoint was never meant to be the presentation, it was meant to support one. In large companies, this tool has been twisted into something it was never designed to be, and that’s why I dislike it. A lot!
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January 2025
Think. Do. Discover.
Attending A Great Code Retreat on Test-Driven Development in Linz
It was a fine day! A day of coding, learning, and connecting with like-minded developers at the Code Retreat in Linz in January 2025. Fun and engaging, from tackling programming challenges with constraints to sharing stories and insights with amazing folks.
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January 2025
The Psychological Tree
The Tree Drawing Test and It's Limitations
During a psychological evaluation decades ago, I was asked to draw a tree. I later learned this seemingly innocent exercise was a gateway into the labyrinth of someone's personality. Recently, I decided to revisit that moment and draw another tree, this time with an iPad and decades of life experience in hand. Let's see how the Tree Drawing Test holds up.
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January 2025
I Couldn't Decide Which Library to Use, So I Wrote My Own Website Search
I needed a search function on my website without bloating it with heavy libraries or server-side tools. Instead of relying on frameworks, I decided to write my own lightweight, client-side search from scratch. Here's how I did it, and why building it myself turned out to be a good idea.
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Here is a random selection of articles from the archive. You should read them, they're okay.
You can find all articles on the Writing page.

February 2024
Archiving an Archive
My Adventures Scraping the Contents of the Archive of Digital Art
A while ago, I wanted to learn web scraping so I wrote my own little suite of applications based on Puppeteer/Node.js to grab content from the Archive of Digital Art (ADA), parse it into JSON and extract the images. Join me as I scrape the bottom of the web archive.
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April 2023
Mansion of Trepidation
This is a choice-based solo fantasy adventure in the style of the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books I developed in vanilla JavaScript. The graphics and text descriptions are generated using AI tools. The player can search the 'Mansion of Trepidation' to defeat the villain and rescue their young nephew.

A Wide Variety of Videos
Over the years, I recorded a number of Youtube videos on many different subjects like the Bitmap Brothers game "Chaos Engine" on the Atari ST, about the iPad apps that support the full resolution on external displays, on how to draw Captain America and a number of different design topics.
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Using AI Tools to Make Explainer Videos
What if you could create your own explainer videos without much effort? I decided to try it myself and made three explainer videos in only one day using generally available and cheap artificial intelligence tools. The results are perfectly workable. Take a look at the three videos that came out.
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A Lucid Dream Comic
This is a three-page comic based on a story from the dream diary of Lucid Fera. The dreamer watches a blind woman encountering her cats and contemplating existence. I drew the comic on paper, colored the panels using Procreate on the iPad Pro, and used Comic Life on the Mac for layouts and lettering. You can find the detailed steps of the process in the project description.
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Timelapse Painting Youtube Videos
These timelapse videos show the process I use to paint pictures on the iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil 2 in ProCreate. They are quick and easy to make because ProCreate is superbly snappy and delightful for quick paintings and I can record the process automatically using the built-in feature in the application.
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