Circuits Ablaze

How Technical Limitations Pushed the Early Demoscene to Produce Digital Art

Master's Thesis by Marin Balabanov


    The French, acts as the demoscene’s memory, listing and archiving historic demos on legacy systems like the Commodore 64, the Atari 8-bit line, the Commodore Amiga, the Atari ST and many others.

    Demozoo is the site that features an archive of demos on modern systems in the active demoscene. It is the archive of current practice. Demozoo provides information and downloads, as well as links to the web locations of the demo-groups that created the demos.

    The Archive of Digital Art (ADA)

    The source code repositories of demos on Github. These repositories not only store the executables of hundreds of classic demos, but also the original source code for many of them.

    An archive of historic Atari software and scanned magazines.

    The original source code of the Exceptions’ demos is available on Github. This is part of a larger effort to preserve source code of Atari ST applications and demos.

    The archive of the Atari ST diskmagazine ST-NEWS provided by Richard Karsmakers